
Multi Engine Flight School

What Our Clients Have to Say About Our Flight Training Course

William Dubel said:


Adding the multi-engine rating has been on my list for years. I called Rob with Multi Engine Time Building and was able to get my preferred week scheduled along with an extra day of instruction since I had not been flying as much. The ground with Jeremy was very thorough with everything you need to know about their aircraft and of course to prepare for the oral. I did my best to familiarize myself fully with the Twin Comanche, understand all materials and chair fly prior to flying, though I don’t think it is possible to fully prepare for your first experience with an engine failure on climb out! I found the multi engine rating to be the most fun rating so far. The pace was perfect, the weather was great, and the training provided a lot of challenges and new perspectives. Ryan was my instructor and worked to keep me on my toes and get my procedures up to task. Rob, Jeremy and Ryan all made sure all my questions were answered. I was prepared going into the check ride and had no surprises. I know Rob and his instructors cared about my success and take pride in their aircraft and instruction. I highly recommend Multi Engine Time Building! Thank you, Rob, Jeremy and Ryan!

Ashlie G said :


Email: [email protected]
I am very happy that I choose Rob and Multi-Engine Time Building.Com to get my MEI. It is an accelerated program and you do need to go into it having studied the material but I felt the pace of the course was good. It was my choice to add some extra flights in and Rob accommodated my request with no problem. My instructor Ryan was a very knowledgeable and skilled multi-engine instructor. He helped me transition to the instructor role of twin flying with patience while allowing me gain confidence in my abilities. The Twin Comanche was a great airplane to fly. It is obvious that Rob takes care of his airplanes and they are well maintained. I went into my check ride feeling confident and competent. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to time build or add a Multi rating to their certificate. Thank you for helping me achieve this goal!

Julia Jacobs said:


Email: [email protected]
I am so impressed with how smoothly this program worked. I traveled to Phoenix for one week specifically for the Multi Engine Commercial Add-on course and had more than enough time to complete it. There were no maintenance issues or instructor availability issues. They run like a machine! Owner Rob and CFI Matt were fantastic teachers and made the process painless and fun. Thank you guys!!

Anthony Skinner said: Honolulu


Email: [email protected]
ATP Multi the most challenging course you will do! with Matts skilled guidance and Robs sound running plane I was able to knock out the 4 day course and check ride. Would recommend to anyone to take this training with Multitimebuilding, the time and money you would waist going anywhere else and trying to coordinate a plane, instructor and DPE is mind numbing, they do it all for you, except the studying and flying. Ask about the ATP and Multi oral prep, its well worth it!

David Reznik said:

Dec 20, 2019

Short story, I would highly recommend the Multi Engine Time Building accelerated Multi Engine course. It is one of the most cost effective and quickest courses that you can find. The long story is below. I live in California and setting up a DPE and a multi engine flight instructor was getting to be impossible. I’d secure an instructor and then try to setup up the check ride with a DPE. However, each DPE would say “you need to be signed off first before I can add you to my schedule.” The average schedule for any DPE in the bay area was always 2 to 3 months out at a minimum. So if I did get the training and the sign off from the MEI I’d most likely be out of the 60 day training sign off and need additional training. As multi engine training is some of the most expensive flying that you can do, I would be wasting a lot of money getting re-trained to take the check ride. That is where Multi Engine Time Building came in. I decided I needed to find an accelerated multi engine course. I did some research online and found a couple of blog posts with positive reviews for Rob and Multi Engine Time Building. I also called a couple other accelerated courses that I found too. However, Rob was the only one that not only called me back but also said he had the resources (plane, instructor, and DPE) to get me setup for my training and check ride. In not too long Rob called me back again with a date for the start of the course and a date for the check ride. Rob then pointed me to the online resources and stressed that it was very important to study the material so that I could be prepared for the course. About a month and a half later I arrived in Arizona for my training. The first day was ground school and I was pleased to find that it was taught by a very knowledgeable instructor. The training was consistent with all of the home studying I had done and the instructor was able to answer all of the questions I had that I could not find answers too on my own. The next four days was flight training. My instructor was Matt. Matt was a very professional, knowledgeable and motivational instructor. It also did not hurt that he had a great laid back attitude to help keep you calm when one of the fans stops turning. The training program covers all of the maneuvers in the ACS. Each of the four flights will have you doing the required maneuvers over and over again until you are comfortable doing them. This even includes fully shutting one of the engines down in flight with a restart at least once a flight. After 8.5 hours of flying over the four days I was pretty confident that I could pass the test. Sure enough on check ride day there were no surprises because I was so well -prepared that I passed the test!

Aaron Walker said:


Aaron Walker 

[email protected]
Rob, has a great operation going. I contacted him for MEI a few months out. I then attended one of the Zoom monthly ground trainings. Showed up at KGEU for a week of flight training with Davis and checkride on Friday. They have multiple checkrides going per week so they know what is going on. It is a casual environment designed to give you the tools to prepare. I am a big fan of the twin Comanche which is a bonus. Also got to meet Fred, one of the other instructors who is a legend! Thank you Rob & Davis for the great experience!!

Stephen Rodman said:


Did a 4 day comm multi add on course. I live in San Diego so learning to fly in a new area and do their approaches, while also being accelerated, seemed daunting. Best decision I’ve made. These guys will get you up to speed in no time. Everyone at METB is there to support you. They have all the knowledge and experience to get you what you need. They did a fantastic job and I’m coming back to get my MEI!

Maxwell Schneller said:


METB gets your your multi in a time-efficient, economical manner. The aircraft maintenance history and student lesson plans are very transparent. Rob is a kind, communicative business owner and Davis Lille is an experienced, skilled MEI. From even before your first flight lesson, you are given all the tools, training, knowledge, and materials that you need to pass your checkride. That being said, it is an accelerated course! You will do yourself a great service coming to this program already proficient (not merely current.) This goes for VFR as well as IFR pilots. Self-study is an integral part of this program, as well. While Rob and the instructors are more than available to answer any and all questions you have, you must spend your own time studying the material and chair flying in order to become proficient enough to pass your ride. A+, 10/10, would recommend!

Ken Maroney said:


These guys know what they are doing. I know everyone has had a bad provider or instructor so it may be tough to trust the unknown but these guys are the best in the business. Between the schedule/timely maintenance touch ups, hands on approach, and the quality of instruction there isn’t a provider that comes close to these guys. True specialists! Not to mention, you will be training over the great American SW…. Book it now and get it done!! Cmon!!

Alan Ramsey said:



I completed a CAMEL add-on w/ METB in December of 2021. Attending their Zoom ground school and studying their checklists/maneuver procedures before arriving allowed me to hit the ground running and soak up all of the great wisdom from Fred. He is a great instructor with tons of experience! He was stern when he needed to be, but there was no doubt that every second in the airplane he was on my side, coaching me towards proficiency. Throughout the week, Rob was consistently on-site and communicative about the training process. He made sure everything was smooth sailing and all my questions/concerns were addressed. Plus, the Twin Comanche is a joy to fly! Just like with any training environment, it’s on you to study and work hard in the airplane to hone your skills, however, METB makes sure you have all the tools, support, and resources to advance your flying career!


John Dalton said:


I had a great experience training with Fred and Rob. They have a no-nonsense "let's get 'er done" approach to flight training that works. If you come prepared you will succeed. I can't say enough about my instructor, Fred, and the owner, Rob.

Darren Rigsby said:


I appreciate the professionalism and instruction from Fred Gorrell and Rob Kocak. I did the accelerated multi rating from Feb. 19 to Feb. 23 with a weather delay on my check ride. Drinking from a fire hose is an understatement, but Fred's patience and instructing technique pulled it together for me with a successful check ride. Fantastic group of people and a fun aircraft to fly! Nothing but praise and admiration for the experiences and knowledge these guys have.

Nick Lara


[email protected]
This program gets your CAMEL done quickly in the best way possible. Rob and Davis Lille assisted with any questions I had and were always willing to make sure I was prepared heading into the checkride. Before your first flight lesson, you are given all the tools, training, knowledge, and materials that you need; however, it is an accelerated course so make sure you are willing to put in the work. Self-study (particularly concerning procedure profiles/flows) is a necessity in order to excel in this program. While Rob and the instructors are more than available to answer any and all questions you have, you must spend your own time studying the material and chair flying in order to become proficient enough to pass your ride. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone that is interested.

Tucker Siddoway Said:


[email protected]

I did my training in January of 2022. Can't recommend this place enough. Training is super fast but they leave absolutely nothing out. You will be prepared for the day of your check ride. I goofed on my check ride, purely my fault. Rob and Fred got me all set to do a quick training flight and recheck and I walked away with my CMEL. Be prepared and you will do just fine. I will be back to do some time building! Tucker S.

Rachel Yates


[email protected]
METB is an amazing team. The program proved itself thorough and effective through the years with so many successful cases. And most importantly, they care. When I need extra help, Rob and Davis went above and beyond, being so generous with their time and help to get me prepared. By the end of the training, I gained not only one more rating on the back of my certificate, but a precious friendship which would go a long way. I would recommend METB to anyone who needs any training or time building for their multi engine rating.

Rachel Marion said:


Rachel Marion
[email protected]


Rob and Davis were amazing! They both want you to succeed and it's clear that they have their training system down to a t! I highly recommend coming into training having already studied the maneuver flows and going through everything the PA-30 Downloads section of their website. Having most of the flows almost memorized by the time I started training really helped me to get the most out of my training. I'd also recommend if you're already a CFI to look at this as if you're an MEI. Doing that also really helped because it became more than just rote memorization. Best of luck to everyone! Thanks again, Rob & Davis! I will definitely be recommending people to go to you guys!

Bay Finch Said:


[email protected]
Went in with 270TT and got it done! Davis was a wonderful patient instructor! I plan on sending everyone I know that needs a multi rating to you guys. Thanks for everything Rob! -Bay Finch

Nate Benham


[email protected]
This course was terrific for me. It’s fast paced so the responsibility to show up already prepared (having studied section 7, 8 of the POH as well as knowing the V speeds and watching online YouTube clips for the ground portions for PAST & 23.149, airspace around KGEU) BEFORE YOU START is imperative for success. But if you’re able to do so, Rob, Davis, Fred, Jeremy & the team will prepare you to pass in as few as 5 days for your checkride and spend as little as possible. Their pricing as advertised to spend obtaining this rating is accurate. You’ll really enjoy flying their planes as well. They’re well maintained and fly beautifully. I was very happy with their service, their ability to teach & help me obtain my multi rating—and I’m not a pilot that always gets things easy. I often need a bit more practice than others. That’s how good these guys are if you come prepared.

Bergan Hugos


Bergan Hugos
[email protected]
Excellent experience. Rob and the instructor pilot do a great job of preparing you for the check ride. Do yourself a huge favor and prepare prior to your arrival. Review aircraft systems and become familiar with the maneuver profiles. We had one small hiccup with the alternator, but Rob was on top of it immediately to fix the problem. I am planning on heading back to Phoenix to complete my additional time build with Rob. Lastly, the examiner was great. He was pretty quiet on the flight and just let you do your thing.

Aaron Blunt


Aaron Blunt
[email protected]
I specifically sought out Multi Engine Time Building / Multi Engine Flight School because of their use of the PA-30 as a training plane. Little did I know, there were so many other reasons that this was the perfect training for me! I was sent a good amount of study material well before my scheduled class date. This allowed me to dial in the concepts of multi engine flying as well as work through a lot of the facts about the airplane. I dove in and spent between 15-20 hours in the weeks leading up to the course and Davis (one of the instructors here) gave me the freedom on our first flight to take control and gain context for what I had studied. From there, he polished up my knowledge and stick and rudder skills to make sure I was well above the ACS standards for the Commercial Airplane Multi-Engine Land rating. They also scheduled my check ride for me and kept a great schedule leading up to it to ensure that I wasn't overwhelmed with too much flying, but also not out of the cockpit too long before the test to be comfortable. It is a model that really promotes efficiency and rewards those that are dedicated to safety and learning. 10/10 would recommend!

Taylor Habig


Taylor Habig
[email protected]
I did my CAMEL in the first week of December with their instructor and former DPE, Fred. Show up with the ground work complete and it is totally doable in the 5 days. We even lost my first day of flying for unexpected IMC. The school takes care of scheduling the examiner and getting the logbooks/maintenance up to par. Show up and be ready to fly! Grateful for the time Fred and Rob spent with me to make sure I was set up for success.

Adam Othman


Adam Othman
[email protected]
Multi Engine Time Building is as advertised and indeed so much more! Everyone I encountered was an integral and invaluable part of a success-oriented team where I felt I was the center of their attention and their primary concern. I passed my Multi Engine Instructor (MEI) check ride with flying colors. Rob is the owner of the school and chief pilot over the last 30 plus years. He has certainly mastered the art of staying ahead of aircraft maintenance, coordinating instructors and trainees, and securing check ride dates with local DPE’s. His study material is posted on the school website. While the material is relatively short and condensed, it is in fact comprehensive and it covers in excellent detail and illustration everything needed about twin aerodynamics, runway incursion, several scenario-based articles, and avionics/aircraft specifics. The trainee would be well served studying ALL of this material in advance. Jeremy was my online ground school instructor. Teaching is obviously his passion. Hard to believe his presentation went on for nearly 4 hours! I did not know my attention span can last that long. So, it must be to Jeremy’s credit that the material was so well organized and masterfully presented that it just didn’t feel like 4 hours. I asked him at the end of the presentation if he would send me the link to the recorded session as well as the power point slides, he did not hesitate and immediately followed through by email. Outstanding communication skills and genuine commitment to help the trainee. Fred was my flight instructor. He is the reason I decided to go to Arizona. Fred has a golden reputation with professional airline pilots, he trained a significant number of them. He is an ATP and has been flying since 1960… that’s 5 years longer than I’ve been on this earth! I just wish he would act his age so the rest of us can catch up with him! His high energy and laser precision focus are constant throughout the day. He does not “expect” perfection, he demands it. He will thoroughly explain every maneuver, demonstrate it, then talk you through it until you yourself are able to explain everything you’re doing as you execute the maneuver. He will not let you get away with even the smallest most subtle mistake. He knows the aircraft like the back of his hand. With the patience of a saint and the relentlessness of a bulldog, he will identify your mistake with surgical precision and show you how to fix it. When Fred signs that endorsement in your logbook, you are a skilled polished pilot guaranteed to pass your Multi Engine Instructor check ride with flying colors. That’s exactly what I did on day five. Thank you Fred! Jacob was my DPE. Strictly speaking a DPE is prohibited from instructing the examinee. However he modeled the very spirit of aviation safety with remarkable insight and experience that compels me to consider him one of my most treasured instructors. He engages you in a scenario by explaining a real-life event. Once you understand the parameters, he begins developing “what if” questions and gives you your space to develop an answer and demonstrate your competence. You will be challenged to think on your feet and fast. The flight portion was fully briefed on the ground with great emphasis on safety. I pretended I was Fred! I flew like Fred, and just like Fred, I harassed the guy in the left seat. Multi Engine Instructor check ride passed with flying colors. Awesome team!


Sam B


Drill Sargent/CFI Fred was efficient and fun to fly with. I really appreciated the Owners attention to detail with maintenance. The night before my checkride another pilot flat spotted a tire and Rob stayed at the airport till 10pm to replace the left tire so I would have a successful checkride with a well-maintained aircraft. Great operation and I will whole-heartedly recommend them.

Jason Figueroa


I recently completed my CAMEL add-odd at METB, and the many reviews here are spot-on accurate. This is a tightly-focused, well-run operation which has one mission - building and developing multi-engine pilots. The instructor cadre is recruited exclusively from experienced MEIs, the aircraft are all purpose-selected, equipped and maintained for multiengine flight instruction and time-building, and this lean operation revolves around the mission of getting students and time-builders where they want to go. Rob, the owner of METB, is highly involved in the day-to-day operations. It was a rarity that I didn't run into him as I arrived for training each day, and he's constantly alert for feedback on the airplane, the instructor, and your check-ride. The very minor squawks I observed were all handled by the next flight, the aircraft's databases were maintained (mine happened to expire on the day of the checkride, and the new one was uploaded before), and the airplane was fueled and ready to go for each training day. Rob also does not pass on the opportunity to quiz the student on systems as he makes his rounds, and the instructional areas of focus were (no surprises here) all topics which appeared in my checkride oral. Matt Estremera instructed my session, and has a solid, balanced, and patient instructional style. He is clearly experienced in multi-engine instruction, knows these planes, and understands the accelerated process well enough to know the life-cycle of a student going from day one drinking-from-the-firehose, to checkride day. Matt exhibited patience and poise while suffering through the mistakes of a new Twin Comanche pilot, understands that the learning happens in some ugly training errors, and has a good sense of when to intervene, versus letting the student figure it out under guidance. The accounting for detail in this compact, focused operation is impressive. Your DPE slot is scheduled when you book your training (months in advance, due to demand), the DPEs are known to the operation (no random mystery examiners), and your instructor will know how to prepare you for the ride you'll likely receive, based on the ACS and the areas of focus known for your DPE. Very little is left to chance, and candidate can focus solely on training and performance. Jeremy Mitchell's ground sessions via Zoom are well-written, focused, and deliver all the material you'll need to succeed in training. If you can attend more than one session prior to training (I did two), you will only increase your chances for success. If he's talking about a system, a limitation, or a performance profile in the training, there's an excellent chance you're going to be talking about it on your checkride. It's almost like these folks know what you need to succeed. Make no mistake, this is accelerated training. You'll need to arrive prepared, having briefed the ground training materials -AND- the maneuvers profiles (published on the website). I'd highly recommend downloading the PA30 POH to your ForeFlight and tabbing the appropriate pages (V-speeds, performance charts, systems). You -WILL- be using these pages during your checkride, and having easy access to the right material will demonstrate that this isn't the first time you're looking at the POH. Again, all of this material is on the downloads page. Everything you need, and nothing you don't. It very much pays to arrive to this training instrument current and proficient, and you can request the avionics system closest to your experience (GNS 530 or GTN 750). Do this, and the instrument part of your training will be a footnote, rather than another hill to climb. If you're looking for a focused operation that's tightly oriented around getting you where you need to go, METB is worth your consideration. Your training dollars and time will not be wasted here, provided you arrive willing to do your part. METB isn't a new and unique idea - it's a proven and well-executed program.

Riley Duncan


I did my Commercial Multi Engine add on here back in Februrary and had a great experience. As long as you come in to the training having reviewed all of the required material, they will take you through to a successful checkride. The ground school that was conducted by Jeremy was thorough and covered all of the required knowledge areas. Rob does a great job keeping up with the maintenance on the planes, and made sure that everything was ready to go for my checkride. My instructor, Fred, was detailed and held me to high standards throughout our flights. By the time I did my checkride, I felt very well prepared!

Joseph Grekowicz


Just passed my multi-engine commercial today with the help of Rob and Matt! Matt was a wonderful flight instructor and helped me learn how to be a safe and reliable multi-engine pilot, and Rob helped me understand any and all information that was presented during the oral portion of the exam. I finished everything within 5 days, and when I wasn’t feeling confident after day 2, Matt had decided to take me up twice the next day just to make sure I had everything down and ready for the checkride in the days ahead. Confidence is everything when it comes to these tests, and confidence is what I was given with this program. I would highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to complete their multi quickly and efficiently, and I am very very grateful for the quality instruction given. Matt did a 10/10 job and I hope our paths may cross again in the future of the aviation world. Safe flying and a good day to everyone!

Carson Ruedemann


My experience at Multi-Engine Flight School in Glendale was phenomenal. My instructor Fred was a retired DPE with a wealth of knowledge to share. The course was straight forward and easy to digest, with no surprises during training or the checkride. The owner Rob is very enthusiastic and passionate about teaching, with the two Comanches flying in pristine condition. Flying with Multi-Engine Flight School in Glendale was a great time and I would recommend anyone seeking their multi rating add ons to give Rob a call. Wonderful environment and I will definitely be returning for multi-engine time building.

James Kenshalo


Coming to Multiengine Time Building was a great experience. I had to travel for my training, and METB was the perfect place to train knowing you’ll get a DPE, reliable weather instructor and aircraft availability. Their a small outfit, so you work with the owner Rob for all the scheduling. The Instructors are super professional. The downloadable materials are all pretty great. Make sure you download and study before showing up, because you’ll fly every day

Michael Beaudoin


Michael Beaudoin
[email protected]
Just passed my MEI check ride this morning after completing my training with METB. Rob, the owner, was very responsive from the time I first called to set up my training back in November through the end of my checkride. As noted in other testimonials, he was always around quizzing me and asking about the aircraft and instructors. Any issues that came up with the planes, of which there were very few and they were all minor, were quickly resolved. I did a time build flight with Matt, the did the MEI program with Pete. Both were great instructors with lots of patience. They certainly don't have a shortage of students and there appears to always be a waiting list. Matt conducted a group ground that I was not sure I would be able to make due to a scheduling conflict and Rob, without hesitation, sat down with me and did the ground 1 on 1. Even after the group ground, Matt offered to sit down 1 on 1 as well in case I had any additional questions, which I didn't. Pete and I met the day before the checkride, prior to our final training flight and he completed one last ground with me to make sure I had all the necessary information. Everyone there genuinely wants you to succeed. What was also very impressive was the fact my checkride was scheduled with my training. It's all too common to currently hear about people waiting months to get chckrides scheduled but Rob makes sure you get the ride completed immediately after your training while it's still fresh in your head. Whether you're looking to add a rating or time build, I can't recommend Rob and the whole crew at METB enough.

Collin Shannon


Collin Shannon
[email protected]
I just passed my Commercial Multi add-on first try and could not have been happier with this school! The set up and prep work they give you far in advance helps tremendously with getting a good base of knowledge way before you even step into the plane. My Instructors name was Peter and I would highly recommend him. His teaching style was easy to grasp and very informative. He knew every inch of the plane and could explain in detail how each system worked. By the time of my checkride I felt very prepared and confident due to the well put together lesson plans. Whether you are looking to time build or to get any form of Multi Certification, this is the place to go!

Zane Wilson


Zane Wilson

I passed my CAMEL ride with the help of Rob and his team. This place is a well oiled machine that knows what they are doing. They are here for your success. The information to pass the checkride is provided in a simple, interactive format, and the planes are kept in a nice condition. I would recommend Multi Engine Time Building to anyone.

David Cowart


[email protected]
Rob and his team truly specialize in commercial training and have a great operation to get you trained and ready for the checkride. If you’re struggling to get an instructor booked and can’t find a multi engine twin that works in your area call Rob and get your course booked here today. Thats what I did. I traveled all the way from Colorado and it was worth every penny. I’m happy to say as of August 16, 2024 I’m a CAMEL pilot. The airplanes are well equipped, well cared for and my instructor Peter a great instructor. That you for getting me across the finish line.

Youbin Koh


Youbin Koh
[email protected]
I recently completed my Multi-Engine Instructor (MEI) certification with this school, and I couldn't be more pleased with my experience. From start to finish, the journey was perfectly tailored to my needs, with dates arranged to fit my schedule seamlessly. The instructor went above and beyond, teaching me not just how to fly a multi-engine aircraft but also how to be an effective and confident instructor. Their passion for aviation truly shined through every lesson. The owner, Robert, was incredibly friendly and sincerely involved in my progress, checking in regularly to ensure I was on track and comfortable. Thanks to the supportive environment and dedicated team, the entire process was not stressful but rather an enjoyable and enriching experience. I highly recommend this school to anyone pursuing multi-engine ratings or instructor certifications!